A portfolio of Arun showcasing his skills, previous works, projects,etc..This website is built using reactjs and consists of various 3d-models that is built using three.
An Simple video chat applciation
This is the encrypted chat_application that is only accessible to those only who have writes to access it. No other can add or edit it.
This web application is a clone of LinkTree, a popular tool used for creating a personalized page with multiple links to various online profiles, websites, or resources. With this clone, you can create your own version of a LinkTree-like page and share it with others.
This is the static restaurant website which shows all details about the particular restaurant, which services provided by them, thier reviewer's, contact details etc.
Simon is an game of short-term memory skill
This is the website made for all the Potterheads!!! Here everybody can download their favourite harrypotter books and movies for free.
NewsZilla is a live news website with all categories of news.
javascript practice projects for the ones who want to learn javascript and this projects are beginner friendly.
This project is about building a web application to show a weather forecast using weather API from external services Open weather map